About Me

About Me

I am a full-stack web developer, sysadmin, system/software/network engineer and system architect based in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. I graduated from Swinburne University of Technology (Hawthorn Campus) with a Bachelor's Degree in Science (Computer Science and Software Engineering). I am currently working full-time at Incore Group on multiple roles including Solution Architect, Swift/PHP/JS Developer and DevOps Engineer, where I handle the client's day-to-day IT operation, software development projects and consultations for customers.

In addition to that, I also lend my expertise to organizations who require my expertise which includes:

  • DevOps solutions
  • Design and strategize web development and architecture
  • Design and implement organization system's architecture
  • Develop or enchance existing mobile applications written in React Native
  • Develop or enhance websites and web applications/systems including:
    • Company websites using Joomla! or Wordpress
    • Custom web development using PHP/ReactJS/NodeJS
    • API (REST) for communication between mobile devices and servers
  • Administer and support server issues
  • Design and implement medium scale WiFi networks such as hotels
  • Configure and troubleshoot network appliances
  • Provide open source software consultancy to support company wide operation
  • Linux server's log analysis and intrusion investigation
  • Malware removal on a Linux server
  • Provide consultancy for their networking issues such as network bottlenecks, WiFi interference etc.

When I am not doing anything Techie, I will have a hike somewhere, hanging out with close friends, reading at the comfort of my home, watch a movie in the cinema, go on a dive somewhere or just sit there and day dream. That pretty much sums up my life.

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